Black In America: Did You Watch It?

I did. And it was an amazing documentary. Malcolm XI believe that it was needed, and, I believe America is on the verge of another Civil Rights Movement. You may not agree, but let’s look at the facts. Black men are dying, being jailed and being disrespected in alarming ways. The education we recieve in inner-city schools is lackluster at best. And don’t tell us to just send our children elsewhere, unless YOU can pick up the bill.

Our families are being depleted and no one is trying to teach our men and women a better way to live because those before us didn’t have it. When drugs hit our communities (and YES, it is WELL-DOCUMENTED that the U.S. Government along with some South American countries orchestrated the plan, LOOK IT UP!!!), it hit harder because we never had the resources and the economic stability to take back our sons and our streets. The drug money fed a lot of babies and paid a lot of bills. Now how do you fight that… when it’s easier to score some crack and sell it for a profit than it is to finish school and college? When your family struggles everyday just to eat, how can you focus on your education?

YES!!! This is a Diva rant post, I have not done one of these since my MySpace days. And what makes it worse is that no matter what evidence of disparity is presented to the non-believers, they still choose to remain ignorant. And yes, they CHOOSE to, because the information is all around us, as easy to access as facebook, but still people will ignore it…

Well, I found some interesting clips for those who DID NOT watch it mainly, but also for those who did and would like a little more. By the way, the documentary will be re-run on Saturday (yes, 2moro). BOTH pieces will run back to back, parts 1 & 2. They begin @ 8PM EST. PLEASE TUNE IN!!! And post your thoughts if you watched it or if you plan to!!!

Vodpod videos no longer available.


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~ by Miss D. on July 25, 2008.

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